My No Fluff (but Fun!) Approach
If you want a non cookie-cutter stage experience, I’m your girl.
I love speaking, but more than anything I love engaging your audience.
Hire me if you need technical, advanced stuff explained in an understandable and actionable way (combined with a healthy dose of quirky analogies).
I’m super passionate about the topics I’ve listed below and by the end of my talk, your audience will be, too.

Social Media Content Strategy
Becoming Camera Confident
Timeless Tips to Rank Videos on YouTube
ADHD Hacks for the everyday Entrepreneur
Micro-targeting with Online Ads
How to Run for Political Office & why you Totally should!
Previous Speaking Engagements
NAWBO (National Association of Women usiness Owners)
Mobile Connect Summit
Mobile Entertainment Expo
State of Womanhood Empowerment
Leading with Heart- Global Women’s Summit
Stagetime University – Video Marketing Made Simple
Business Vlog Summit
Periscope Summit
Early Learning Institute of Nevada

“Danielle Ford has a unique and very special ability to make building a credible social presence and utilizing online video a fun, fluid and effective process. She’s a wonderful storyteller, cares deeply about her audiences, and her “I can figure ANYTHING out!” attitude is as contagious as it is inspiring.”
Hire Danielle Ford for your Event
For speaking engagements, interviews, group workshops, and other opportunities use the form below to send a message. Please describe the event and include important information such as dates, location, and other relevant details.